Analysis Bio is an innovative project that is designed to provide detailed bioclimatical data for all those people who are conscious about the environment and want to make buildings that can make the most of the climatological conditions of the place where they are going to be built in. This program may help us design an energy efficient house that can be respectful with the environment, and most important, can save us a lot of expenses in heating, air conditioning, etc. After we start this application, we can find that the user interface is in Portuguese, although we can easily switch it into English or Spanish. One mayor disadvantage about this program is the fact that the data reports/maps/charts only refer to Brazil and Argentina. It is possible to select a city/state/postal code for any of these two countries. Once selected, this program will display an annual chart that includes the minimum and maximum average temperatures, plus the average temperature, the average relative humidity, and the barometric pressure. We can adjust the pressure by specifying the altitude/pressure at sea level or above the sea level. After the analysis is done, we can view the bioclimatical map, compare it, print it, and view the report, that will indicate which thermal conditions are the best as well as the comfort requirements for passive solar heating, high thermal mass, and additional heating (if any). This program is delivered completely free of charge.